How to look young at old age - health tips - Ask Mahidi

Though we salutation the understanding that comes with age, most of us don’t love what persons years do to our skin. Here are 22 dermatologist-recommended tips to look young  at any age. With each transitory birthday, we lose collagen, elastic and facial fat. Add decades of sun worship, which ages skin quicker, and you’ll easily look older than your years. Humans can greatly gather speed their rate of skin age. For instance, a 35-year-old woman will look older if she smoke cigarettes, eats overdone foods, avoids fresh fruits and vegetables, and/or exposes her skin to ultraviolet sunlight.
Just as there are proven ways to speed up skin collapse, there now are standard methods to avoid and annul it.

The inhabitants is revolting against ugly skin deterioration by taking strange steps to preserve the sparkle of youth. The result is that aging people today do not have to look as old as earlier generations.

However , I am going to give you some effective works to follow so that you look young at your old age . 
If it isn't already understandable to you by looking at the photo of 75 year old Ernestine Shepherd above then you can easily see She looks better than most people do in their 50s, 40s or maybe even some women in their 20-to-30s!

And I'm not saying you have to become a serious workout addict like her to look awesome at 75 but few reasons why exercise helps you look younger is because…
1.     Exercise principally kick-starts the collagen production course of building younger skin which slows down as you get grown-up.
2.   Exercise improves your posture making you look & feel younger the length of with making you extra positive.

3.   Exercise prevents free sweeping smash up which is 1 of the main things that causes you to look older.
4.   Exercise means less hoary hairs as it helps to reduce stress
5.   Exercise helps you sleep superior which means less dark circlespuffy eyes .

Exercise helps circulate more nutrients & oxygen to your skin to make you look more happy.
Lose weight
Just lose 10 lbs. & you'll look 10 years younger but don't take my word for it…

Weight comes off from the top down. given that weight sheds in the face first, this means that down even five pounds will make you look younger.Dr. Donna Casey
So use any of these plans here to lose weight the precise WAY with diet & exercise to prevent you from getting any loose skin but don't lose too much weight because…
Women be supposed to maintain a body fat % of at least 14% and men of at least 6% so your face can uphold the richness from fat to uphold a youthful look.
Have More Sex
Having sex at least 3 times per week can make you look up to 10 years younger and according to Dr. David Weeks (the guy who did all the research on how sex can make you look younger…)

Having more sex is the next best fixation you can do after train to look younger becuase it also helps you to obviously relapse more growth hormones and it's been proven that having more sex can help you live longer. 
Take a moment to smile. 

Simply looking like you are enjoying life can make you look younger. Frowning can make you look older, while not smiling makes you look the age you are. To seem younger, put a smile on your face.

Keep your skin moisturized. Moisturized skin looks younger and better overall; dry skin can make you look older. One way to help moisturize your skin is to cut downstairs your shower time and stick to warm water in its place of hot water. 

·         Also, look for soaps or cleansers that have moisturizers in them to help keep your skin hydrated. When you get out of the freshen up, apply a lotion or ointment to help seal water next to your skin, on condition that moisture.
·         Apply moisturizer whenever your face looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer so that it won’t block your pores and cause skin complaint.
A humidifier in your home can also help your skin, as can drinking enough water.

Drink only in moderation
. Drinking too much can give you serious health evils that will make you look and feel old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers of the digestive tract, heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, and liver ailment.
Preserve your health by not smoking. Smoking will age your skin, decrease your energy, and give you serious health problems. Smoking can cause a number of diseases and make you look older.

·         Smoking can contribute or cause lung disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, eye disorders like cataract, respiratory infections, gum diseases, and a variety of cancers (from cancer of the esophagus to cancer of the mouth, lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys).[15]
·         Even if you’ve smoked for many years, quitting will still improve your health, let your body cure, and make you look and sense of younger.  

Keep your youth by consumption of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. A well diet with fruits and vegetables will provide you with the nutrients you need for an vigorous, on-the-go lifestyle. Try to eat the rainbow, meaning you should vary the color of your fruits and vegetables, as they all have poles separately nutrients. For instance, greens are high in vitamin K, which can help reduce staining, while red vegetables, such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene, which can help protect your skin from the sun. 

·         On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat 2 dishware of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables a day.
·         Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, but towering in fiber and vitamins. This healthy eating prototype will reduce your risk for getting cancer, heart problems, high blood heaviness, strokes, and diabetes.
If you follow my words I am pretty sure that you will look young and much better than current looking .  

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