How to know if someone loves you - love tips - AskMahidi

Truly saying , Falling in love is one of the most exhilarating, satisfying and scariest things you could ever do.

Once you're in love with somebody, it's solid to remember how you lived without him or her. Of course, you were alive before you met this person, but you really didn’t start “living” awaiting the two of you met. Most theories of relationships focus on how close partners feel about each other, but according to John Gottman’sbehavioral approach, you need to focus on outward signs to test the health of yours. This come within reach of follows from the best guess that obvious events supply, in many cases, harder evidence about what’s going on within a person than the inference we make from what he or she says.
However, here I am going to discuss about few major signs that how to tell if someone really loves you .
1.   Wants to expend time with you. 
Wanting to spend time into your association is a key display of successful long-term familiarity, according to one recent theory. Although both of you may be joined up with work, family, and other commitment, someone who truly cares about you will use anything time is left over to have some unaccompanied time together.
2.   Wants to know about your work . 
throughout that time you spend in somebody's company, does your partner ask about, and show awareness in, the high and low points of your work day? couple build their love for each other not of necessity on the ghostly, but on the sensible supports that keep message route open.
3.   Believe in you . 
Those who really care about you will give you the profit of the doubt. Research shows that in successful long-term relationships, associates want to have a intellect of meaningful where their mates are at any given time. on the other hand, they don't have this wish since of worry that their partners power be up to something wicked. A partner who doesn’t question where you are if you come home late or doesn’t spy through your cell phone bills is showing the kind of trust that shows true kind.
4.   Shows admiration toward you .
 If recent research on complementarily in relationships is true, it’s possible for you and your partner to be on entirely opposite poles of the supporting spectrum and still remain happy together for years. The key feature is not what your beliefs are, though, but how open you can be to accepting your partner’s viewpoint as valid. Let’s say you’re an ardent feminist and your partner holds pre-1970s views about women. If he truly cares about you, he’ll at least listen to you when you express distress about women’s status in the workplace.
5.   Shows warmth.
 Couples don’t have to engage in common sex, or even any sex at all, to be sensitively cherished. However, showing some sign of physical closeness, even if it’s resting a hand on your take on, suggests that your partner feels a vital correlation to you. 

6.   Looks at you. 
The nonverbal cues that partners share with each other reveal their deeper feelings. If your partner looks at you while you’re chatting, or if you catch him or her darting a glance your way, this suggest that he or she takes contentment in being with you. The two of you don’t need to spend hours gaze into each other’s eyes; even a quick glance can be enough to send optimistic, love-confirming, feelings.
7.   Makes you feel good about yourself.  
A partner who truly care about you boost your self-esteem and sense of identity. If nothing else, being with someone who makes you feel treasured provide you with strong positive underpinning. We want to be with people who make us feel good. This doesn’t mean that you’ll always have wonderful days and nights in which you never be pedantic or become perturbed and annoyed with each other. However, overall, if you feel that your partner boosts your self-confidence, you’ll not only be more likely to want to spend time together, but you'll also look upon yourself more positively in the times that you’re apart.

The appearance of love varies from person to person . I just try to let you know about major signs so that you can be sure . Hope my words will helps you . Have a good day ……………….

How to get a girlfriend - Love tips - AskMahidi

It doesn’t essential how older you are, what you look like or what you do, I want to help you to have a girlfriend and find the love and contentment  what you’ve been looking for.
Well, sooner than I give you any tips or prescribe you how to get a girlfriend, we need to do some work on your own mind and body first .
Your thoughts about how to get a girlfriend are almost certainly wrong. And if you are using them as excuse as to why you are still single, then you will never get what you exactly need to pull towards you and keep a girlfriend.
Lets discuss about how to have a girlfriend
Where To seem For A Girlfriend?
One of the major mistakes that men make when seeking for a girlfriend is warning themselves to bars and clubs. Yes, bars are a first-class place to meet girls, but not unavoidably to meet a girlfriend. 
There are a few reason why bars are terrible places to find a girlfriend.  First off, women know that you are on the skulk, so their gun emplacements are up.  Even if your intentions are good, you still have to nominate yourself with all the other men looking for a one-night stand.  If you are polite, you might succeed in getting women’s numbers at bars.  But, since it is hard to determine a women’s individuality in the anonymous ambiance of a bar, you’ll almost certainly end up homicide your time on dates with women who aren’t well-matched with you.
Instead of looking for a girlfriend in a bar, try places where you can get a sense of their personality and wellbeing.
Are You Really Ready For A Girlfriend?

This is really an important point to say that If you haven’t had success getting a girlfriend, the cause could be that you are not ready for one.  Now, if you are just looking for a informal connect or some ardor, that’s fine.  But having a girlfriend is a pledge, and commitment require some stability and stab.  Women can sense when a man is not ready for commitment from miles away.  So, before you bound into the dating game, ask yourself these questions to see if you are prepared for a girlfriend:
·         Is your life stable?
·         Are you over your ex?
·         Do you have plans/goals for the future?
Get these things in order and you’ll be ready to start looking for a girlfriend.

Be ambitious.

Making wealth is nice, and there is a select collection of women who place excessive emphasis on that. We're not talking about those women.

This is less about how a great deal cash you're pulling in, and more about being an bright human being who has dreams and goals. It's sexy when a man is fervent about something, and cruelly pursues it.
If you're self-satisfied, working a dead-end job and being unenthusiastic to reach higher, it's not just your vocation that will suffer. Your game will suffer, too.

Be a good listener.

The men whom women always settle down with all have one obsession in common: they make her feel individual. If you're failing to stir this feeling in her, it's most likely because you're more focused on your manner than hers.
now and then men are so caught up in impress their date, they come off as blasé in the person in front of them. By the time the first date ends, they've rattled off their list of brag-worthy happenings, but never took the time to understand what she's about. Take a respite, and let the poor woman speak! 
The easiest way to set yourself apart from the full of yourself schmucks taking her out is to ask her questions and actually listen. She'll feel more associated to you, and you'll essentially make it to date number two. It's a win-win circumstances.

Get good at sex.

We abhorrence to say it, but if your amusement out of bed is strong, you might need to look toward what's occurrence between the sheets .
Sex is an important way to connect with a woman. You might have good chemistry with your clothes on, but if you’re gone astray the mark with them off, it's unlikely she'll want to sign up for a monogamous relationship with you. If she's going to have sex with one person, it better be short-tempered.
If you've been under the false feeling that showing up for sex is enough to please a woman, get your mind right. Put your self-interest in check, and really ask yourself if you focus on her delight enough. From her end, the answer is in all probability no.

Be confident.

It all comes back to the technique you feel about yourself. If you think your loot is lacking, it is. Women don't want a man with self-esteem issue who needs to be free from worry of his significance; they want a man who is fully aware of what he bring to the table and how pleasing it is. 
When you linger in singleton against your will, and feel your self-confidence start to sway, take a step back and go over the situation. You're a cool guy, and if you're not connecting with someone, it doesn't change how tremendous you are. It just means you didn't have chemistry with that finicky woman. Shake it off, and move on to the next one!

Be ready to commit.

How to look young at old age - health tips - Ask Mahidi

Though we salutation the understanding that comes with age, most of us don’t love what persons years do to our skin. Here are 22 dermatologist-recommended tips to look young  at any age. With each transitory birthday, we lose collagen, elastic and facial fat. Add decades of sun worship, which ages skin quicker, and you’ll easily look older than your years. Humans can greatly gather speed their rate of skin age. For instance, a 35-year-old woman will look older if she smoke cigarettes, eats overdone foods, avoids fresh fruits and vegetables, and/or exposes her skin to ultraviolet sunlight.
Just as there are proven ways to speed up skin collapse, there now are standard methods to avoid and annul it.

The inhabitants is revolting against ugly skin deterioration by taking strange steps to preserve the sparkle of youth. The result is that aging people today do not have to look as old as earlier generations.

However , I am going to give you some effective works to follow so that you look young at your old age . 
If it isn't already understandable to you by looking at the photo of 75 year old Ernestine Shepherd above then you can easily see She looks better than most people do in their 50s, 40s or maybe even some women in their 20-to-30s!

And I'm not saying you have to become a serious workout addict like her to look awesome at 75 but few reasons why exercise helps you look younger is because…
1.     Exercise principally kick-starts the collagen production course of building younger skin which slows down as you get grown-up.
2.   Exercise improves your posture making you look & feel younger the length of with making you extra positive.

3.   Exercise prevents free sweeping smash up which is 1 of the main things that causes you to look older.
4.   Exercise means less hoary hairs as it helps to reduce stress
5.   Exercise helps you sleep superior which means less dark circlespuffy eyes .

Exercise helps circulate more nutrients & oxygen to your skin to make you look more happy.
Lose weight
Just lose 10 lbs. & you'll look 10 years younger but don't take my word for it…

Weight comes off from the top down. given that weight sheds in the face first, this means that down even five pounds will make you look younger.Dr. Donna Casey
So use any of these plans here to lose weight the precise WAY with diet & exercise to prevent you from getting any loose skin but don't lose too much weight because…
Women be supposed to maintain a body fat % of at least 14% and men of at least 6% so your face can uphold the richness from fat to uphold a youthful look.
Have More Sex
Having sex at least 3 times per week can make you look up to 10 years younger and according to Dr. David Weeks (the guy who did all the research on how sex can make you look younger…)

Having more sex is the next best fixation you can do after train to look younger becuase it also helps you to obviously relapse more growth hormones and it's been proven that having more sex can help you live longer. 
Take a moment to smile. 

Simply looking like you are enjoying life can make you look younger. Frowning can make you look older, while not smiling makes you look the age you are. To seem younger, put a smile on your face.

Keep your skin moisturized. Moisturized skin looks younger and better overall; dry skin can make you look older. One way to help moisturize your skin is to cut downstairs your shower time and stick to warm water in its place of hot water. 

·         Also, look for soaps or cleansers that have moisturizers in them to help keep your skin hydrated. When you get out of the freshen up, apply a lotion or ointment to help seal water next to your skin, on condition that moisture.
·         Apply moisturizer whenever your face looks dry. Use a non-oily moisturizer so that it won’t block your pores and cause skin complaint.
A humidifier in your home can also help your skin, as can drinking enough water.

Drink only in moderation
. Drinking too much can give you serious health evils that will make you look and feel old. Excessive drinking can cause cancers of the digestive tract, heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, and liver ailment.
Preserve your health by not smoking. Smoking will age your skin, decrease your energy, and give you serious health problems. Smoking can cause a number of diseases and make you look older.

·         Smoking can contribute or cause lung disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, eye disorders like cataract, respiratory infections, gum diseases, and a variety of cancers (from cancer of the esophagus to cancer of the mouth, lungs, bladder, throat, or kidneys).[15]
·         Even if you’ve smoked for many years, quitting will still improve your health, let your body cure, and make you look and sense of younger.  

Keep your youth by consumption of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. A well diet with fruits and vegetables will provide you with the nutrients you need for an vigorous, on-the-go lifestyle. Try to eat the rainbow, meaning you should vary the color of your fruits and vegetables, as they all have poles separately nutrients. For instance, greens are high in vitamin K, which can help reduce staining, while red vegetables, such as tomatoes, are high in lycopene, which can help protect your skin from the sun. 

·         On a 2,000 calorie diet, you should eat 2 dishware of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables a day.
·         Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, but towering in fiber and vitamins. This healthy eating prototype will reduce your risk for getting cancer, heart problems, high blood heaviness, strokes, and diabetes.
If you follow my words I am pretty sure that you will look young and much better than current looking .  

How to choose a good life partner

There are many things that one needs to judge when choose a life partner. The most important feature is to consider things that are critical to you. Relationships tend to conclude happiness. When you’re a Single Sally, couples give the impression to be having all the fun. Research even prescribes that married people, on typical, are happier than single people.

But not all couple are  happy . Instead, they’re absolute miserable. Why? Because of   they’ve chosen the mistaken person to spend the rest of their life with.
Well having  a life partner is no simple try, and most seem unconscious of how big a deal the result actually is.
Most public don’t think they’ll get divorced. A recent study provides  that 86 percent ( almost ) of young people assume their current or future marriage will last forever. But when you’re choose a life partner, you’re cement a lot of particulars in just one verdict.
Well there are many things to care to have a good & nice life partner  . I have been writing some effective points at below-
Try to have someone who you can connect with whenever you like ----

It is very significant to choose an important person who you can easily beat a conversation with. This way, you can take pleasure in doing things and talking about them mutually without getting bored.

Having same interests in most cases ---- 

Selecting somebody who shares a lot of common welfare with you will work in your favor. Remember that all your interests don't really have to be the same, but some would do. According to , clinical psychologist and relationship expert Seema Hingorrany, "When you fix on to spend your life with someone, you must look at things that the two of you would love to do together. For instance , if you are a movie buff, you would ideally like to be with someone who enjoys movies as well. This will make your life interesting."

judge your partner's intellect--- 

If you are a laid-back person and your spouse is an over-achiever, that could lead to a threat in your marriage. You must see eye to eye on how both of you are able to think and process belongings.

To have standards is important in few matters ---
While choosing a life partner, you need to believe your and your family's standards. even if it's okay to prefer someone who probably does not belong to the same stratum of society as yours, make sure that he/she's not utterly off the mark.

Show respect to each other--- 

You obviously cannot use up your life with someone who has no respect for you or your thoughts/goals or your behavior. So, choose someone who will acknowledge you for the rest of your life.

Is your potential trustworthy ? 

In this day and age, it is tremendously important to choose someone you can trust. You positively cannot lead a happy marriage if you cannot trust each other or have faith.

Spend time together

Just as important as it is to have similar interests, it is also critical to be with someone who gives you enough time and who you would love to pay out time with .
Seeks for good qualities are foundation of having a good relationship in marriage life --
The qualities of a person that help to build the establishment of a good partnership are: Empathy, reliability, honesty, reliability, thoughtfulness and arousing generosity. If you find these qualities in someone, be interested about pursuing it further, even if they may not seem like your type on the exterior. Other criteria, like “sense of humor,” “world traveler,” and “good dancer” are nice-to-haves but don’t of necessity have to be there for you to be happy in your relationship.
To have fun between you two – 
 The less pressure you put on manually, the happier you are with yourself, and the more at ease you are will create a legroom to attract the right kind of people to you. From time to time it takes seeing a lot of what you don’t want to build out what you do want.

I hope if you take my words whenever you are going to choose a life partner would be helpful for you & you can be happy with that person for the rest of your life . Enjoy yourself …………………….